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PhD Scholarships Opening

Junhua Li

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

University of Essex




Address: CSEE, University of Essex

                Wivenhoe Park


                CO4 3SQ, UK

Research Interests

Given his background of computer science and computational neuroscience, he focuses on the research of brain-computer interface, neurophysiological signal processing, machine learning, and neuroimaging data analytics, as well as their practical applications. 

Topics for Supervising Research Students (MPhil or PhD)
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (Developing novel algorithms for classification and recognition; Detecting brain diseases based on neuroimaging data; Developing systems of monitoring human health)

  • Computational Neuroscience (Understanding mechanisms of the brain pertaining to brain diseases, ageing, and mental states)

  • Brain Health and Signal Processing (Providing insights into the brain health based on signals; Techniques for keeping the brain healthy and augmenting the brain capacity)

Academic Activities
  • Senior Member, IEEE

  • Member, EPSRC Full College

  • Member, UKRI Talent Peer Review College

  • Fellow (FHEA), Advance HE

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Access

  • Editorial Board Member, Brain-Computer Interfaces

  • Book Reviewer, Elsevier

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